This question has floated and resonated a lot with a lot of people in the last 18 months or so!
I was lucky, I got with the program and adapted! Quickly too!
But for other people in the arts it's not been quite so simple.
I'd like you to meet Charlotte Steen, this fabulous young lady is a West End performer.
A dancer and singer and actor with a list of credits as long as your arm.
When C19 hit her industry was more decimated than mine, the theatres went dark and there was no alternative.
Well, one day I decided that I needed to reward my faithful pupils for all their amazing work on zoom, and their commitment to learning new things.
My youngest ones got visited on zoom by Queen Elsa who sang to them and played games and was super sparkly, the middle group had a fabulous workshop with one of the cast from Billionaire Boy, but what to do for the big ones??
I suddenly had an idea! Let's do a zoom stage make up workshop!
I spent a few days asking round the Internet and enquiring, but came up with blanks or people who were not specific make up artists for the stage and wanted ridiculous fees!
And then, while scrolling, I came across Charlotte, who I knew via her fabulous mum, Jo at Stars Dancewear. And the light bulb moment happened!
I messaged Charlotte and explained what I was after and she agreed to give it a go!
Who better to teach us how to apply todays style of relevant stage make up than a performer!
Charlotte gave the girls a fantastic lecture, clearly explaining everything, and giving the girls insights into her life as a performer. She chatted to the class as she demo'd her routine and the girls followed along.
It was interesting to hear that most stage make up now appears to be facilitated with 'regular' make up products and is not the blue eye shadow and red lips of our local dance school shows, natural but more accented.
So we followed along and just below are the results of a couple of us :)